Kathleen Kern’s Portfolio


Getting to Know the Old Testament, Faith and Life Press, 1992

Book Chapters

“From Haiti to Hebron with a brief stop in Washington, DC.” Cynthia Samson and John Paul Lederach. 2000. From the Ground up : Mennonite Contributions to International Peacebuilding. New York: Oxford University Press.
“Christian Peacemaker Teams.” Moser-Puangsuwan, Yeshua, and Thomas Weber. 2000. Nonviolent Intervention across Borders : A Recurrent Vision. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi: Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace, University of Hawaiʻi.
“The human cost of cheap cellphones.: Hiatt, Steven. 2007. A Game as Old as Empire : The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption. 1st ed. San Francisco, Berkeley, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers ; Publishers Group West [distributor].
“Christus Victor and the Preoccupation with the Concrete in the Work of Christian Peacemaker Teams.” Weaver, J. Denny, Alain Epp Weaver, and Gerald J. Mast. 2008. The Work of Jesus Christ in Anabaptist Perspective : Essays in Honor of J. Denny Weaver. Telford, Pa., Scottdale, Pa.: Cascadia Pub. House ; Herald Press.
“Partnering in Nonviolent Resistance: The Evolution of Christian Peacemaker Teams,” with Tim Nafziger. Maloney, Thomas N. 2018. Religion, Conflict, & Peacemaking : An Interdisciplinary Conversation. Edited by Muriel Schmid. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press.

Periodicals, Column, and Curriculum

“Israel at 50: A Christian Perspective,” Tikkun, March/April 1998

“Against the System:  Civil Disobedience and the Biblical Record,” The Mennonite, April 20, 1999.

“Settler Violence and September 11:  A Report from the Mean Streets of Hebron,” Tikkun, November/December 2001

“Settlers’ strikes create cold fury,” The Baltimore Sun. January 3, 2002.
Victims as Pariahs,” The Christian Century, January 24, 2006

Corporate Complicity in Congo’s War,” Tikkun, March/April 2006

The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew and the heart of the Middle East,” The Christian Century February 5, 2007

Kurdish villagers are dying at the hands of a war we’ve all ignored,” The Independent, December 16, 2018.


“Henry and Gladys,” The Door, July/August, 1994.

“Critical Notes from the Journal for the Study of Berber Gnosticism: Abstracts of HN 1-10 (The Three Little Pigs),” The Door, May/June   1997.

“Diaspora, Holocaust and Ethnic Cleansing: Toward a New Vision of ‘Funny.’”  The Door, September/October 1999.“

“Appropriate to Adults,” The Other Side, March-April, 2000.

“Women Featured in Iconic Classic Rock Songs Respond to Men Who Clearly Don’t Get Them At All,” De Minimus, June 11, 2024


“World Neighbors,” Mennonite World Review, 1998-2013.


Thirty-nine units of Bible curriculum and devotions for three different denominations written between 1988 and 2023.


“Against the System:  Civil Disobedience and the Biblical Record,” The Mennonite won the “Theological Reflection” category of the 1999 Associated Church Press Awards.

Novel, Where Such Unmaking Reigns was selected as finalist in Barbara Kingsolver’s Bellwether Prize Contest, 2001 and won the PeaceWriting Award from Omni Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology, 2003.

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